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(Click on the title to show/hide the abstract)

2023-0802 Note on the Relative Entropy Method for Moderately Interacting Particle System on the Whole Space
Speaker: Prof. Li Chen (University of Mannheim, Germany)
Time:2023/08/02 10:00-11:00
Place:N933, South Building
2023-0717 Incompressible MHD Without Resistivity: structure and regularity
Speaker: Prof. Ronghua Pan (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Time:2023/07/17 9:40-10:40
Place:N933, South Building
2023-0627 A Beale-Kato-Majda criterion for free boundary incompressible ideal MHD
Speaker: Dr. Wei Zhang (Capital Normal University)
Time:2023/06/27 9:00-10:00
Place:N933, South Building
2023-0608 Dynamical Stability of White Dwarfs
Speaker: Prof. Tao Luo (City University of Hong Kong)
Time:2023/06/08 16:00-17:00
Place:N802, South Building   
2023-0516 On the Finite-Time Splash for the free boundary incompressible Navier–Stokes equations (I)
Speaker: Dr. Wei Zhang (Capital Normal University)
Time:2023/05/16 13:30-16:00
Place:N802, South Building
2023-0321 Maximal $L^1$-regularity and application to a free boundary problem of Navier-Stokes equations near half-space in critical space (I)
Speaker: Dr. Wei Zhang (Capital Normal University)
Time:2023/03/21 13:30-16:00
Place:S817, Siyuan Building
2022-1219 Local well-posedness for two-phase fluid motion in Oberbeck-Boussinesq approximation
Speaker: Dr. Wei Zhang (Capital Normal University)
Time:2022/12/19 10:00-11:00
Place:Tencent, ID:808-308-542, PW:221219
2022-1209 Resolvent problem for linearized compressible Navier-Stokes equations with free surface
Speaker: Prof. Tao Luo (City University of Hong Kong)
Time:2022/12/09 14:00-15:00
Place:Tencent, ID:378-864-332, PW:1209   
2022-1125 Asymptotic stability of the bipolar Navier-Stokes-Poisson system with boundary
Speaker: Prof. Yong Li (Beijing University of Technology)
Time:2022/11/25 14:00-15:00
Place:Tencent, ID:997-927-670, PW:1125    
2022-1121 Nonlinear structural stability and linear dynamic instability of transonic steady-states to a hydrodynamic model for semiconductors
Speaker: Asso. Prof. Yuehong Feng (Beijing University of Technology)
Time:2022/11/21 15:00-16:00
Place:Tencent, ID:335-605-109, PW:1121
2022-1121 The long wave approximation of the Green-Naghdi equations with the Coriolis effect
Speaker: Prof. Xiongfeng Yang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Time:2022/11/21 14:00-15:00
Place:Tencent, ID:335-605-109, PW:1121
2022-1121 Diffusion limit of the compressible Euler-P1 approximation model arising from radiation hydrodynamics
Speaker: Prof. Qiangchang Ju (Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics)
Time:2022/11/21 10:00-11:00
Place:Tencent, ID:931-169-269, PW:1121
2022-1121 Stability and instability of a generic non–conservative compressible two–fluid model
Speaker: Prof. Yinghui Zhang (Guangxi Normal University)
Time:2022/11/21 9:00-10:00
Place:Tencent, ID:931-169-269, PW:1121
2021-1208 Navier-Stokes Equation in Super-Critical Spaces
Speaker: Prof. Baoxiang Wang (Peking University)
Time:2021/12/08, 10:30-11:30
Place:Tencent, ID:786-604-336
2021-1206 Diffusion limit of the compressible Euler-P1 approximation model arising from radiation hydrodynamics
Speaker: Prof. Qiangchang Ju (Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics)
Time:2021/12/06 10:30-11:30
Place:S817, Siyuan building
2021-1210 On the Free Boundary Problem of 3-D Full Compressible Euler Equations Coupled With a Nonlinear Poisson Equation
Speaker: Prof. Tao Luo (City University of Hong Kong)
Time:2021/12/10 14:00-15:00
Place:Tencent, ID:341-715-136
2021-1124 Resonant Decompositions and Global Well-posedness for 2D Zakharov-Kuznetsov Equation in Sobolev spaces of Negative Indices
Speaker: Dr. Minjie Shan (Minzu University of China)
Time:2021/11/24 10:00-11:00
Place:Tencent, ID:890-304-167
2021-1124 Asymptotic profiles of the singular Keller-Segel model
Speaker: Prof. Jingyu Li (Northeast Normal University)
Time:2021/11/24 9:00-10:00
Place:Tencent, ID:890-304-167
2021-1014 Zero-viscosity Limit for Isothermal Plasma Equations with Non-slip Boundary
Speaker: Dr. Yan-Lin Wang (YMSC, Tsinghua University)
Time:2021/10/14 14:00-15:00
Place:S809, Siyuan building
2020-1210 Navier-Stokes Equation in Super-Critical Spaces
Speaker: Prof. Baoxiang Wang (Peking University)
Time:2020/12/10, 15:00-16:00
Place:Tencent, ID:802 816 070
2020-1209 Spectrum and Behaviors of Vlasov-Poisson-Boltzmann equations
Speaker: Prof. Hailiang Li (Capital Normal University)
Time:2020/12/9 19:30-20:30
Place:Tencent, ID:490 845 008
2020-1209 Vanishing porosity limit of the coupled Stokes-Brinkman system
Speaker: Prof. Dongjuan Niu (Capital Normal University)
Time:2020/12/9 16:30-17:30
Place:Tencent, ID:881 256 284
2020-1209 Global Existence and Uniqueness analysis of Reaction-Cross-Diffusion Systems
Speaker: Prof. Xiuqing Chen (Sun Yat-sen University)
Time:2020/12/9 15:30-16:30
Place:Tencent, ID:881 256 284
2020-1209 航空发动机中的非线性流固耦合动力学模型
Speaker: Prof. Shu Wang (Beijing University of Technology)
Time:2020/12/9 14:30-15:30
Place:Tencent, ID:881 256 284
2020-1202 Free Boundary Problem in Ideal Compressible Magnetohydrodynamics
Speaker: Asso. Prof. Tao Wang (Wuhan University)
Time:2020/12/2 16:00-17:00
Place:Tencent, ID:941 114 913
2020-1202 Physical Vacuum Singularity of Compressible Euler Equations with Damping in 3-D
Speaker: Prof. Huihui Zeng (Tsinghua University)
Time:2020/12/2 15:00-16:00
Place:Tencent, ID:941 114 913
2020-1202 Large Time Asymptotics of Vacuum Boundaries of Viscous Gaseous Stars
Speaker: Prof. Tao Luo (City University of Hong Kong)
Time:2020/12/2 14:00-15:00
Place:Tencent, ID:941 114 913
2020-1118 On the free boundary problem of porous media equations
Speaker: Asso. Prof. Lasu Mai (Inner Mongolia University)
Time:2020/11/18 16:00-17:00
Place:Tencent, ID:316 317 660
2020-1118 Incompressible limit for the compressible Ericksen-Leslie's hyperbolic liquid crystal model
Speaker: Prof. Fucai Li (Nanjing University)
Time:2020/11/18 15:00-16:00
Place:Tencent, ID:316 317 660
2020-1118 Singular limit for equatorial shallow water dynamics
Speaker: Prof. Qiangchang Ju (Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics)
Time:2020/11/18 14:00-15:00
Place:Tencent, ID:316 317 660
2019-1219 Optimal time-decay estimates for the compressible Navier-Stokes-Poisson system in the critical $L^p$ framework
Speaker: Mr. Weixuan Shi (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
Time:2019/12/19 14:00-15:00
Place:N602, South building
2019-1127 Taylor Sign condition for ideal MHD free boundary
Speaker: Prof. Tao Luo (City University of Hong Kong)
Time:2019/11/27 10:00-11:00
Place:N902, South building
2019-0620 Global dynamics on 1D compressible MHD
Speaker: Prof. Ronghua Pan (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Time:2019/06/20 10:30-11:30
Place:N702, South Building
2019-0523 Quasi-neutral Limit of the Two-fluid Euler-Poisson System in a domain with boundary
Speaker: Prof. Yong Li (Beijing University of Technology)
Time:2019/05/23 9:30-10:30
Place:N205, South Building
2019-0523 On the incompressible free-boundary MHD with or without surface tension
Speaker: Mr. Junyan Zhang (Johns-Hopkins University, USA)
Time:2019/05/23 16:00-17:00
Place:N602, South Building
2019-0523 Local well-posedness for the motion of a compressible, self-gravitating liquid droplet with free surface boundary
Speaker: Dr. Chenyun Luo (Vanderbilt University, USA)
Time:2019/05/23 15:00-16:00
Place:N602, South Building
2019-0515 On Vacuum Dynamics and Entropy
Speaker: Prof. Zhouping Xin (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Time:2019/05/15 9:30-10:30
Place:N913, South Building
2019-0426 Physical Vacuum Singularity, Taylor Sign Condition and Geometry of Some Fluids Free Boundary Problems
Speaker: Prof. Tao Luo (City University of Hong Kong)
Time:2019/04/26 16:30-17:30
Place:N913, South building
2019-0104 Local well-posedness for the motion of a compressible, self-gravitating liquid droplet with free surface boundary
Speaker: Dr. Chenyun Luo (Vanderbilt University, USA)
Time:2019/01/04 16:00-17:00
Place:Rm. 915, Siyuan Building
2019-0102 Singular limits for the Navier-Stokes-Poisson equations of viscous plasma with strong density boundary layer
Speaker: Prof. Qiangchang Ju (Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics)
Time:2019/01/02 16:00-17:00
Place:N702, South building
2019-0102 Analysis on Keller-Segel Models in Chemotaxis
Speaker: Prof. Li Chen (University of Mannheim,Germany)
Time:2019/01/02 15:00-16:00
Place:N702, South building
2018-1225 On the MHD Free Boundaries
Speaker: Prof. Tao Luo (City University of Hong Kong)
Time:2018/12/25 15:30-16:30
Place:N913, South building
2017-0704 Nonlinear instability in Compressible fluids under gravity
Speaker: Prof. Ronghua Pan (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Time:2017/07/04 16:00-17:00
Place:N224, South Building
2017-0605 Dynamics and Stability of Gaseous Stars
Speaker: Prof. Tao Luo (City University of Hong Kong)
Time:2017/06/05 15:30-16:30
Place:N702, South building
2016-1221 Mathematical analysis of Euler-Poisson system in a bounded domain
Speaker: Prof. Qiangchang Ju (Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics)
Time:2016/12/21 14:00-15:00
Place:S705, Siyuan building
2016-1221 Stability of couette flow for compressible Navier-Stokes equations with navier-slip boundary
Speaker: Prof. Hailiang Li (Capital Normal University)
Time:2016/12/21 15:00-16:00
Place:S705, Siyuan building
2016-1221 Stability of non-constant steady-state solutions for bipolar non-isentropic Euler-Maxwell equations with damping terms
Speaker: Dr. Yuehong Feng (Beijing University of Technology)
Time:2016/12/21 16:00-17:00
Place:S705, Siyuan building
2016-1123 Semiconductor Superlattice Modeling and the Related Spherical Harmonic Expansion Model
Speaker: Prof. Kaijun Zhang (Northeast Normal University)
Time:2016/11/23 10:00-11:00
Place:N818, South building
2016-0923 Low Mach number limit to the compressible MHD equations
Speaker: Prof. Fucai Li (Nanjing University)
Time:2016/09/23 9:00-10:00
Place:S705, Siyuan building
2016-0923 Spectrum analysis of some kinetic equations
Speaker: Prof. Hongjun Yu (South China Normal University)
Time:2016/09/23 10:00-11:00
Place:S705, Siyuan building
2016-0822 On Periodic Motions for Gas Dynamical Systems
Speaker: Prof. Zhouping Xin (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Time:2016/08/22 10:00-11:00
Place:N210, South Building
2016-0819 Cauchy Problem of Some Complex Kinetic Equations near Maxwellians
Speaker: Prof. Huijiang Zhao (Wuhan University)
Time:2016/08/19 10:00-11:00
Place:N902, South Building
2016-0712 Spectrum structure and behaviors of kinetic equations
Speaker: Prof. Hailiang Li (Capital Normal University)
Time:2016/07/12 16:10-17:10
Place:S705, Siyuan building
2016-0712 Random approximations of $\pi$
Speaker: Prof. Wenqing Xu (Beijing University of Technology)
Time:2016/07/12 15:00-16:00
Place:S705, Siyuan building
2016-0712 Global regularity v.s. finite time blowup for compressible Euler equations
Speaker: Prof. Ronghua Pan (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Time:2016/07/12 14:00-15:00
Place:S705, Siyuan building
2016-0620 Long time dynamics of physical vacuum for compressible Euler equations with damping
Speaker: Prof. Tao Luo (City University of Hong Kong)
Time:2016/06/20 10:00-11:00
Place:S705, Siyuan building
2015-0515 Existence of Magnetic Compressible Fluid Stars
Speaker: Prof. Tao Luo (Georgetown University)
Time:2015/05/15 15:50-16:50
Place:S705, Siyuan building
2014-1208 Some notes on energy method for Boltzmann equations
Speaker: Mr. Jiawei Sun (Capital Normal University)
Time:2014/12/08 11:30-12:20
Place:N902, South building
2014-1208 Partial regularity of suitable weak solutions to the shear-thinned fluid
Speaker: Mr. Yazhou Chen (Capital Normal University)
Time:2014/12/08 10:40-11:30
Place:N902, South building
2014-1208 Global existence of spherically symmetric weak solutions to the free boundary value problem of 3D isentropic compressible Navier-Stokes equations
Speaker: Miss. Huihui Kong (Capital Normal University)
Time:2014/12/08 9:50-10:40
Place:N902, South building
2014-1208 Dynamic behavior to the hyperbolic type of MEMS
Speaker: Mr. Chuangchuang Liang (Capital Normal University)
Time:2014/12/08 9:00-9:50
Place:N902, South building
2014-1204 Some results on the relativistic Euler and relativistic Euler-Poisson systems
Speaker: Dr. Lasu Mai (Capital Normal University)
Time:2014/12/04 16:35-17:25
Place:N902, South building
2014-1204 Well-posedness and behaviors of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations
Speaker: Prof. Hailiang Li (Capital Normal University)
Time:2014/12/04 15:45--16:35
Place:N902, South building
2014-1204 非守恒两相流模型的数值方法与理论问题研究需求
Speaker: Asso. Prof. Yueling Jia (Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics)
Time:2014/12/04 14:50-15:40
Place:N902, South building
2014-1204 晶格系统界面条件的稳定性
Speaker: Prof. Shaoqiang Tang (Peking University)
Time:2014/12/04 14:00-14:50
Place:N902, South building
2014-1204 Quasi-neutral limit of the Full Navier-Stokes-Fourier-Poisson System
Speaker: Asso.Prof. Yong Li (Beijing University of Technology)
Time:2014/12/04 9:50-10:40
Place:N902, South building
2014-1204 流体动力学中的一些问题
Speaker: Prof. Shu Wang (Beijing University of Technology)
Time:2014/12/04 9:00-9:50
Place:N902, South building
2014-0729 Weak Continuity and Compactness for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
Speaker: Prof. Gui-Qiang G. Chen (University of Oxford, UK)
Time:2014/07/29 16:00-17:00
Place:N902, South building
2014-0722 Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations with Density Dependent Viscosity
Speaker: Prof. Ronghua Pan (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Time:2014/07/22 10:00-11:00
Place:N902, South building
2014-0701 Mixed type problems in transonic flow and isometric embedding
Speaker: Prof. Dehua Wang (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
Time:2014/07/01 10:00-11:00
Place:N902, South building
2014-0612 Study of the Prandtl boundary theory
Speaker: Prof. Yaguang Wang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Time:2014/06/12 15:30-16:30
Place:N902, South building
2014-0612 Global classical solutions to compressible Navier-Stokes equations with vacuum
Speaker: Prof. Changjiang Zhu (Central China Normal University)
Time:2014/06/12 14:30-15:30
Place:N902, South building
2014-0508 On the dynamics of physical vacuum boundaries of compressible fluids
Speaker: Prof. Tao Luo (Georgetown University)
Time:2014/05/08 16:00-17:00
Place:S712, Siyuan Building
2014-0508 Gravitation
Speaker: Prof. Joel Smoller (University of Michigan)
Time:2014/05/08 15:00-16:00
Place:S712, Siyuan Building
2013-0813 Local Existence on 3D Shallow Water equations with vacuum
Speaker: Prof. Ronghua Pan (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Time:2013/08/13 10:00-11:00
Place:S703, Siyuan Building
2013-0709 A generalization of generalized Hardy inequality
Speaker: Asso. Prof. Li Chen (Tsinghua University)
Time:2013/07/09 10:30-11:30
Place:S703, Siyuan Building
2013-0709 Incompressible limits for magnetohydrodynamics
Speaker: Prof. Dehua Wang (University of Pittsburgh)
Time:2013/07/09 9:30-10:30
Place:S703, Siyuan Building
2013-0516 Well-Posedness for the Motion of Physical Vacuum of Three-dimensional Compressible Euler Equations With or Without Self-Gravitation
Speaker: Asso. Prof. Huihui Zeng (Tsinghua University)
Time:2013/05/16 15:40-16:40
Place:M510, Morningside Center
2013-0516 Asymptotic limits of the Full Compressible Magnetohydrodynamic Equations
Speaker: Asso. Prof. Yong Li (Beijing University of Technology)
Time:2013/05/16 14:30-15:30
Place:M510, Morningside Center
2013-0516 Incompressible limit of the non-isentropic ideal magnetohydrodynamic equations
Speaker: Prof. Qiangchang Ju (Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics)
Time:2013/05/16 13:30-14:30
Place:M510, Morningside Center